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April 09, 2006


Robert French

Update: David Murray has taken the editorial out from behind the firewall so that all may see it, now. I linked to it in the first line of the post above.

David Phillips

Now I understand. The email spam from Ragan is part of the mindset:
Send nothing to nobodies.

Robert French

Thanks, Ike. I don't mean to pick on David, but I think you are right. "David Murray has been answering these questions correctly all along. He just didn't know that so many of us would answer to that name."

Eric, thanks. All good points. I realize they have to protect their revenue. Still, they could open up comments on those posts when they let them ride free for the first few days. The post in the Journal about Allan, for instance, should have something more than an email link. And, as we can all see, it is now behind the firewall and can't be reached.

Hmm? Maybe that's not a bad thing, after all.

I like some of their publications, too. I'm not trying to slam the whole company, so much as point out that there is more to online than the old school model.

Eric Eggertson

Robert: David wrote The Speechwriters Slant blog for Ragan for several months. It was quite good, and I believe it allowed comments. Not sure about trackbacks.

I don't Ragan is alone in keeping their paid content fairly close to the chest. A lot of print publications do that. I don't know what percentage of Ragan's published output is available free on the web, but I suspect it's less than 5%.

That being said, I agree with you!


Robert, you hit it out of the park.

Who understands where all of these tools are going? Nobody.

Who has the vision to put tools and memes together in new ways? Nobody.

Who has the answer to tomorrow's communication and networking challenges? Nobody.

David Murray has been answering these questions correctly all along. He just didn't know that so many of us would answer to that name.

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