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April 21, 2006



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Chanel Handbags

I won't accept such sort of family though it is quite comfortable. I prefer the family with mom which is not rich but ample in my heart

Kare Anderson

... and I've been working with several towns in the U.S. and Canada where leaders think they need to polish their image when they have alot to tout soe reading this blog and comments (as a registered nobody) is helpful... after all, every town does not need to take the New York City approach and have a marketing office... maybe these inventive groups of nobodies - so evident in several towns can suggest in their blogs the kind of partnerships they want for their town or regions .... NYC partnered with The History Channel, Snapple + others... you may want other kinds of partners


Hi - your site came up during a brunch with the BlogHer folk. I'm the blogger for the Robert Fuller the guy who literally wrote the book on Somebodies & Nobodies. http://www.breakingranks.net/

I've been wanting to develop some microbanners and swag for Somebodies & Nobodies for a while, but I think the +nobody meme is fantastic. I'll certainly add the button to the Breaking Ranks site (I've already added you to our blogroll, too). I hope you won't hesitate to call on us for support as you put together your Nobody Movement.

Allan Jenkins

Provincial cities in rebellion!

Denmark is dominated by Copenhagen, home to 25% of the population. So that's where the big touring acts play their concerts.

Until recently.

Lately, Horsens, a town of 30,000, whose only previous claim to fame has been that it's the site of the country's maximum security prison, has established itself as a major arena concert city.

When Robbie Williams and Alanis Morrisette did concerts there, Copenhageners grinned ("upstart yokels"). But with the Stones and Madonna booked there this summer, Copenhagen is starting to growl. Not because these shows will cut any musical turf, but because 50,000 X 2 fans will be patronizing Horsens' businesses.

I think it's bully when "nobody" towns carve a niche that "somebody" towns can't match.

Sam Smith

Must be something about the name! Spooky


Much of what you wrote concerns the "other" Birmingham, in Alabama.

And strangely enough, I've written about a parallel group. (http://positiveposition.com/blog/2006/01/25/progress-is-useless-if-nobody-knows-about-it/)

TechBirmingham is running ads designed to change perceptions about our city, and blogs about it. Eerie, it's even the same template!


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