Ryan Lack was one of the more gentle responders to a post by guest blogger Daniel Bernstein on the Silicon Valley Watcher blog.
Bernstein put both feet and a few other appendages into his mouth in a piece suggesting the seasoned public relations veterans should be leading the way in blogs, and the rest of us should watch in mute admiration:
"I believe blogging, as the delicate olive branch of PR, must be handled by the absolute best-of-the-best our industry offers. These are the Tim Dysons, the Richard Edelmans and the Andy Larks."
Ike Pigott responded in the comments section:
"Blogging is very much a meritocracy. Over time, the good tend to attract an audience, and the bad generally attract cobwebs. I think we're running into a logic bomb if we expect some "elite" to designate "the rules" for everyone else. Whose to say that I don't have a better idea for how to blog? There really are a bunch of nobodies out here that add to the sum of human knowledge. I think your Linux example bears me out."
Another noble Nobody, Ryan gently rebuked Bernstein.
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